CVE Identification and Details

Reproduction of the Attack

The following steps were used to identify and confirm the HTML injection vulnerability in the bulletinurl and bulletinbody parameters of the POST request to the affected endpoint. The testing was conducted using Burp Suite.

Crafting the POST Request with HTML Injection Payloads

  1. Description: A POST request was crafted by adding the HTML injection payloads to the body parameters bulletinurl and bulletinbody:


Figure 1: The request made by adding the HTML injection payloads to the bulletinurl and bulletinbody parameters.

Exploitation and Impact

HTML injection vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers to manipulate the structure and content of a web page. This can lead to various malicious activities, such as:


  1. Input Validation and Sanitization: Ensure all user inputs are properly validated and sanitized before including them in the HTML content.